C Champa Hermine Chin z Targenu / Hermine /

Více info o Hermině a její nové rakouské rodině najdete   zde
More a info of the family Hermine´s    here

Hermine´s family
Merry Christmas 2012

Hermine´s family
Merry Christmas 2011

"nice" Kukur Baba's Chin and "little champion" Hermine :)))
CACIB Show Wieselburg 10.4.2011

Exc.2, res. CAC,res. CACIB !!!

Kukur Baba's Chin and "little angel" Hermine :)))
December 2009

International dog show Wels /A/ 6.12.2009 - Junior class
Excellent 1, CAJC - Jugenbeste

"perfekt strong body, masculine head, good substance, perfect movement for her age,
much charming charakter, friendly girl, impressive color.."

noví kamarádi tibetský teriér CHIN a Sheltie LEO

the new friends - Tibetan terrier CHIN and Sheltie LEO :)

s novou paničkou Nadine
new "mama" Nadine :)